Time for maple red foliage leaf, in Japan

posted in: kyoto | 0

It’s the middle of October,,,, In a month, we would see some trees, leaves getting yellow, and red in Kyoto, Osaka. We can give you some tips about locations for good pics with some red autumn feeling scene. Any inquiry … Continued

Now Open for more tourists!!

posted in: kyoto | 0

Japan just started accepting more tourists from abroad since Oct 11th. Check your status and try to visit Japan this fall! Hope to see you soon!

See you in Kyoto, Osaka this fall!!

posted in: kyoto | 0

It’s been almost three years since I posted the last article. But now,,,,, tourism is coming back to Japan!!   I will be waiting for your visit and let’s make a beautiful memory with pics!! Don’t hesitate to ask me … Continued